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Old 12-07-2005, 04:38 PM
twowords twowords is offline
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Default Re: Defeatest Howard Dean Says US Troops Can\'t Win

TwoWords: your use of the term "western imperialism" just shows you to be another liberal tool/fool.

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Oh dear. Nice removal from all context!

The insurgency, some other Iraqis, and much of the Arab world percieve our occupation as western imperialism and the current Iraqi government as collaborationist a la Vichy France. Would you seriously argue with that analysis?

It would take a massive breakdown of the Iraqi government and army for any insurgent group to take power after we leave. That's where Mertha's over-the-horizon force comes in, to ensure stability and protect the regime.

Of course, the government could indeed fall apart, but how will that be different than if we withdraw in 3 years? In 3 years we would have an even better trained Iraqi army if we stayed, but how can you change allegiences and force nationalism on the army? If they fracture and fall apart next year when we leave, won't this happen when we leave in 3 years? What can we do to stop this if it will happen.
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