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Old 12-07-2005, 08:48 AM
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Default Re: Viet Nam: Some help for a paper please

I know nothing about this Viet Nam War yous speak of. However i do have some opinions regarding the culturl implications of the Vietnam War. One key element involving pop culture and the vietnam war which is very relevant today is the effect the Vietnam war, specifically the anti war moveemnt, and its effect on pop culture. essentially, before vietnam/up untill the mid sixties, pop culture, movies music etc... was pro war. (generally speaking) A good example of this is the John Wayne movie Green Berets. (i think this is the title. This movie was filmed no later then 65, maybe earlier. it almost watches like a government propaganda film. a few years later, much of the music/movies coming out of hollywood etc... were anti war. In short, the Vietnam War made it hip to be anti war.
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