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Old 12-07-2005, 01:27 AM
benwood benwood is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 90
Default Re: Chase the low draw?

Buzz,I'm sure that you are correct when you say that the implied pot odds for him to win his portion are no more than 3 to 1 & that the odds against him making a winning low are around 4 to 1.However,it seems to me that these backdoor shots are a little bit diferent from a situation where you draw twice at the same thing,like an inside straight draw,for example.In this case,before the flop Boolean has 27 cards out of 45 to pick up a low draw,3 to 2 in his favor to do this.If he misses on obtaining the pick-up,he throws his hand away.When he "hits",he will receive about 4 to 1 from the pot to draw to either 20 or 21 cards out of 44,about 6 to 5 against.I know that having the ability to throw your hand away 1/2 way through the situation when it's not developing must improve the total situation quite a bit,but I'm not a good enough mathmatician to get a good handle on this.If you or one of the other posters could show me how it works,I would appreciate it greatly,Thanks. Ben.
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