Thread: rush/anti rush
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Old 12-07-2005, 01:01 AM
AndrewtheBold AndrewtheBold is offline
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Default Re: rush/anti rush

Here is a somewhat harsh but sarcasm-free answer...

In short, your claim is completely incorrect. The cards are random... period. Any decent player accepts this fact. No good player attempts to anticipate the next hand based on the previous hand because it simply cannot be done. The cards are random. Tell yourself that until you believe it.

However, it might be beneficial to explore this not-so-uncommon fallacy. This probably has something to do with the way the hunman mind processes information. A part of your mind is constantly looking for patterns. The reason you think you are "running bad" is the same reason you can look at the moon and see a face.

Your mind is sorting all the various information that your are taking in at any given moment. Most of it is background noise, but some of it is "a pattern." So just like you ignore the rock formations that don't look like faces, you tend to ignore the times when the cards are evenly distributed.

Sometimes, people do exactly what you are proposing. They play more loose and aggressive when they have been winning and more tight and passive when they are losing. They do this because after a nice win, they want to relive the experience and after a painful loss, they want to avoid a repeat of that pain. There is a word for that and that word is "tilt."
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