Thread: 10/20 KQs river
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Old 12-07-2005, 12:48 AM
Jeffage Jeffage is offline
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Default Re: 10/20 KQs river

I raise this as well. Many suited connectors will be played by this type of player up front and they don't all contain the ace. Also, this is online poker...he doesn't even necessarily have to have the flush to make this raise (though obv that is pretty unlikely). I will reraise this everyday of the week - but maybe I suck (feels that way sometimes).

I think this thread will have about 50 replies, mostly bc JasonT posted it and it was a seemingly no brainer hand so people will think there is a big mystical secret within b/c the answer seems so "obvious." I think it is obvious in a limit game online against a loose opponent. Reraise. If he has the nuts, so be it. And I'm sure he did...or this post might have been on the cutting room floor (and no, none of this is an an insult to Jason - it is the nature of message boards, poker and this forum).

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