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Old 12-06-2005, 11:06 PM
Toro Toro is offline
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Default Re: Slow play AA & you invite tough decisions(low content)

Well I usually don't play AA slow after the Flop. After all, it's really just one pair, that's all it is, one pair so it's no lock to hold up. But this flop looked so non threatening 54K rainbow that I decided to just call and try to extract more on this early hand.

Well the worst card in the deck came off, another K. In retrospect a Q would have sucked too. But I asked myself if I would have played AK or KQ like that and I wouldn't have.

But as one of the other posters pointed out, all-in is the new slow play. I've seen more nut or near nut hands go all-in lately than ever before. So I called and really felt like a fish for calling because if I'm honest I'm not sure if it was 50/50 that I thought I was ahead but like a fish, I couldn't release AA.

Got lucky though. The guy had AJ offsuit. No pair, no draw.
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