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Old 12-06-2005, 10:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Best Old School Video Game of All Time; Round of 32

That's the problem with OOT polls and threads of this nature.

The question is not which one you played, or had most fun playing. It's which one you think is the best.

They virtually immediately degenerate into favorites, not bests, though. Sometimes favorites parading as bests.

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I agree with your point in general terms. The term best is used quite often in threads like these and favorite would be more applicable.

But in this case, videogames are supposed to be fun. That is their most desireble trait. So, without the expertise required to be a true critic, voting based on which games I consider the most fun and replayable seems like a decent criteria to me.

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I would agree, and go on to say that the only time that fun wouldnt be pertinent is if you polled games based on their market impact... but who wants to do that other than future dev's like me.

No one, thats who.
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