Thread: Strange Claims
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Old 12-06-2005, 10:31 PM
Accident Accident is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 47
Default Re: Strange Claims

On going argument at my garage game:
Dealer flips a card and the player has an option to either take it or get a new one or call a missdeal!
Idiots. They really cry when its an Ace!. I've had to get up and say "games over, everybody out!" before the regulars rally behind me and the rule that most already know. That turned up card is dead and they get the last card. Some morons want that turned up card to be the burn card before the flop also. It only takes a couple of sincere announcements that the game is over at 9:30pm to keep those knuckleheads in line. You have to be strict. I act like a jackass pitboss 1/2 the time with the ridiculous disputes, but my game is the most respected game going. No suprises. Someone is always going to try to manipulate the game/rules to their advantage. They make fun of me sometimes, but they always come back. I'm happier too.
Just my 2cent blind.
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