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Old 12-06-2005, 09:52 PM
Zim Zim is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 40
Default Thanks Bernie!

Very much appreciated.

I'm making some ugly errors, misinterpreting some of the advice in SSH, so backing up a little, and relying on some old platitudes ("fit or fold" I still rather like) isn't such a sin, I figure.

I'll dust off my old copy of WLLH and catch up on some basic play.

Nonetheless, the game is going well after about 3000 hands now. Perhaps I should drop down a level, but as odd as this might sound ...

I play better at 2/4 than .5/1.00

I've encountered this before, and it's purely a psychological blip. When I'm only playing for a few dollars, I tend to not take the game seriously enough. Which is really bad poker (and it's all relative ... I'm certain 2/4 is considered a joke to many here), but I tend to do better when more money is at stake.

Of course, this implies some sort of emotional attachment to the money I'm wagering ... again, really bad. But I find it's more incentive to play correctly.

Regardless, thanks again for the advice.

All the best,
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