Thread: Betting the pot
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Old 12-06-2005, 06:41 PM
TheRempel TheRempel is offline
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Default Re: Betting the pot


I typically make it pot sized if I raise preflop unless there are stack considerations (ie a shortstack that has raised or called one raise already and is likely to go all in, I want to be able to throw down a big reraise if he does so I will try to avoid raising more than half his stack).


If I raised preflop, I generally make a continuation bet of 70-80% of pot on the flop, mostly for deception. This allows me to take down pots for a slightly cheaper price than a full bet (often with air) and also serves to confuse my opponent. They flop middle set or top and bottom pair and see me bet $30 into a $40 pot on the flop, having done the same previously with nothing but an outside straight draw.

If I am playing in a raised pot in which I did not raise, I'm generally either checkraising the size of the pot or betting out the size of the pot, depending on my opponents. If you bet out with top set against a loose PFR with an overpair or weak draw you will often find yourself getting paid off since they will not believe that you bet out into them with a strong hand. Again, this is opponent dependant. There are certain players, like Dans Macabre, that I will check-raise at every chance I get. There are other players, like Beset that I almost always bet into with strength or air.


On the turn, most of my bets tend to be pot size bets. I try to mix it up and use close to pot size bets a lot of the time, again because it confuses many opponents "Why would he bet $8 into a $11 pot with the nuts?". Sometimes I lead weak with very strong hands, and sometimes I block with weak hands. Again, very opponent dependant.


On the river, I bet however much will get me the most money when I have the best or worst hand. If I'm up against two opponents and I feel they'll both call a 1/2 pot size bet, but only one will call a 2/3 pot size bet than it is obviously always better to bet 1/2 pot.
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