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Old 12-06-2005, 03:22 PM
Warren Whitmore Warren Whitmore is offline
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Default Re: Buffett, Gates, & Harrington on hold\'em

"I don't think IQ matters as much as effort. Those who read and reread the books and spend time thinking about the concepts will do much better than those who just skim."


Prior to reading the book, playing $30 buy in tourneyments n=200 my placing in tourneyments was 58%.

After studying the book, playing $30 buy in tourneyments n=200 my placing in tourneyments increased to 67%.

This is more important than it may seem because the standrard deviation did not change and the payout structure is not linear it is a 2nd degree polynomial.

The point is if I played as the book suggested it would not have improved as much.


Because it occured to me that the books were broken into 2 parts one for full handed ring type nl and the other into inflextion points and short handed play. Therefor the thing to do was to move from 300 player type games into 5 player type games to take advantage of the advice given. Would a player with an IQ of 100 do this if he read the book 100 times? I don't think so.
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