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Old 12-06-2005, 11:35 AM
directscooter directscooter is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 70
Default Re: Moving from $25 to $50, is it worth it?

I am no expert, I played along time on bodog, then came to one of the big sites a few months ago, and started at NL50, and got beat down a little. Moved back down to NL25 learned what I needed to, (see below) and as the BR increased (also adding in RB) I am now up to NL200 in about 4 months.
I play about 20-25 hours a week when possible and I am not great player. At NL25 my win rate was only like 7PTBB, at NL50 it was 7PTBB as well, at NL100 it was only 4PTBB but I continue to move up..why? Because 3PTBB/100 at 100 hours per month 5 tabling plus RB at NL200 would be over 50k per year (that is actually a low estimate) and I can guarentee my poker skills are nothing great, but they are getting much better, playing against better competition and continuing to read this board. And when I get my BR up to the next level, I will move up again...

As for what you need to do differently when moving up. At NL25 and to a lesser extent at NL50 you can just about play all your big pocket pairs to the end just trying to get all your money in where ever you can, but you need to start thinking a little more about what the guys have when they play back at you. Fold to reraises that could easily be sets etc. At 50 and 100, I made so much of my winnings off of sets, and when you get in trouble is when you go too far with the one paired hands. At NL200 so far, I have seen my sets getting paid off much less (could be the small sample size) and my big pocket pairs being challenged a lot more, by good and bad hands.
Hope this helps a little.
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