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Old 12-06-2005, 01:56 AM
EnderFFX EnderFFX is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3
Default Re: Ot: People being A holes to new comers

I dunno if a lot of you have seen this, prolly not because most of you have been doing this for awhile. But sometimes people can be such f'in a'hole to people like me(newby) that make the wrong call which leads to them losing money and then they complain to the rest of table about how you made the wrong call and caused them to loose money and how they are gonna whip you clean. Cant people have respect for other people, its just a low limit sng. If you dont like the noobness why dont u move to a higher limit. And they start critisizing every move you make. Just keep your s'it to yourself. They think they are all that. Just accept it.

Whatever you got nothing on us.

P.s. Just for the info..i won that game, made the right call and he was speechless.

[/ QUOTE ]

My advice:
1) Turn off the chat if you can't handle the opinions of others.
2) Don't bitch, don't correct people, don't teach them how to play, don't give anything away for free.
3) Shut your mouth, play your best game, take their money, it's the best revenge in the world.

Good luck and don't let the a-holes get to you.
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