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Old 12-06-2005, 12:32 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 261
Default Re: Pathetic Adult Displays in Front of Kids

I hand the check and a $20 bill to the cashier at Friendly's. She starts hitting buttons, then calls the manager over.

MANAGER: What's wrong?

CASHIER: His total was $5.64. He gave me a $20. Instead of entering $20 for Cash Tendered, I accidentally entered $5.64.

MANAGER: That's no problem, just give him back his change.

CASHIER: Yeah, but how much is that?


Sorry for the hi-jack, back to the topic:

My son started playing football this year (he's 6). My wife suggested that I help coach the team. I asked her, "Are you CRAZY?"

Next time you're driving past the local sports field, and you see a game going on, pull over and watch. Don't watch the kids. Watch, and listen to, the parents. You won't believe it. It's nothing like when I was a kid.

The last game I went to featured a mother on our side threatening to hurt a kid on the other team for playing too rough. This was an adult, threatening a 6-year-old. For playing FOOTBALL too rough.

These parents scream at kids, coaches, refs, whoever. They leave their common sense behind. Stomping their feet, and throwing things, is the norm. None of these people would act like this at the grocery, or at the movie theater. But there's something about sports that makes them lose their minds.

Fortunately, I take the kid to practice on weeknights, and it's my wife who has to wake up and take him to games on Saturday morning, and put up with this nonsense.

As far as non-sports situations go, fortunately, I don't have much to add. Though I'm always shocked when I go to WalMart at 3 AM, and see people shopping with their kids.
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