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Old 12-05-2005, 05:34 PM
etizzle etizzle is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 63
Default Re: Help me out: Black AA face up?

i agree with DRoss on this one. One important factor is how you like your chances against the rest of the field. If you are a world champion and theyve never played before, then you move in here and hope for maybe one other caller.

This case is not quite as extreme though, so I would call and hope someone else comes along for the ride and reraises or calls too. They just arent getting the correct odds to call no matter what they have, especially if they will put the next 2k chips in on the flop if they flop top pair.

If flat calling half your stack wont look suspicious, then that is what i think you should do. If these guys know enough to realize that you are essentially going all in by calling 2k, then you might as well stick it in preflop as they know its coming anyways. It doesnt sound like theyd realize this so I think you should just call.
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