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Old 12-05-2005, 04:19 PM
elmitchbo elmitchbo is offline
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Default Re: SSH and Utility: The Case for the Terrible 20

i like this Zim guy! good post and enjoyable discussion.

i also like dashes.
i've heard similar arguments made for just the top 10 hands. if you think that you can only make money against idiots with this type of strategy, i say exactly!! that's who we're talking about here. you would be surprised how many players would never figure it out and continue to reraise you with J9s.

i think you could play only the top 10 hands and always rasie with them regardless of position and show a small profit at low limits.

all of that said, it would not be a maximal strategy.(it might be close to optiaml though.)

if we go any further into strategy we have to discuss LAG vs. TAG. your top 20 played well would be a pretty good TAG strategy. TAG is the easiest way to play well. however, an equally well played LAGish strategy will be more profitable. the catch is playing a good LAG game is very hard, where as a good TAG game isn't to hard to manage.
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