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Old 12-05-2005, 11:17 AM
FlyingStart FlyingStart is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 50
Default Re: A9 Top Pair, Out of Position on a Drawy Board

5 way action.. drawheavy board.. I wait and see what the other players do...

As played I think I call the flop (a read would be nice) to catch two pair/trips or nutflushdraw (I would still proceed with caution as he may get the boat when you get trips and he also could have the straight already), perhaps be lucky enough to show it down. Calling is also probably better for your table image, not that I advocate spending loads of $$$s on table image, but it tips the decision just a tiny bit. A fold is also fine IMO

The turn lead is pretty bad.. You are building a pot OOP with what is probably the worst hand.. What are your plans for the river if he flatcalls on the turn?
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