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Old 12-04-2005, 11:32 PM
Andrew Fletcher Andrew Fletcher is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default We Love You and Want You to Come Home

Dear Medium Statkes Players:

I know it's time for you to move on. You've been reading our posts about 25NL-200NL and commenting nicely. Still, I think this relationship is holding you back. You're doing all the giving and none of the reciving. It's totally onesided, and because I love you, I want to set you free. You need your own forum, one that treats you with the respect and love you deserve.

Still, we hope you'll write or visit from time to time. A little post-relationship sex, just for old times sake. Because, while you might not need us, we still need you. So, all puns intended, please stick your head into the Small Stakes forum once and a while. Teach us how to not get stacked with TPTK and what implied odds are. Teach us never to slowplay.

Finally, if you had never given me that copy of Sklansky, I would still be a virgin, er, losing player.

Small Stakes Player
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