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Old 12-04-2005, 05:59 PM
Redd Redd is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 44
Default Re: Overplayed?

Yeah, I'd fold preflop. When you say he's tight, it looks like you also think he's passive?

The way it played out, I'd probably fold the flop too. We've got TPMK but tightie has 12 combos of AK he'd play this way, six of AA (so 18 that we're huge dogs to), and only 1 AQs that we aren't almost drawing dead to. Even with the occasional aggy QQ I don't think we're ahead often enough to continue here.

This is one of the reasons why (IMO) it's good for us to fold preflop; we often can't play very profitably when we do hit one of our outs.