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Old 12-04-2005, 05:50 PM
okayplayer okayplayer is offline
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Default Re: Sooted and Booted, 5/10NL

Well, I pushed the turn and Villain relatively quickly called, the river blanked, and Villain had AA and I lose.

When he called so quick, I was sure he had a set and asked for a diamond, but was not given one. I was very shocked to be shown AA, and pretty surprised that he called. I am usually not calling the flop c/r without a big pair/set/2 pr, and by the turn, he should have eliminated QQ/JJ, so I thought I had very good FE.

After the hand, I was pissed at myself for not just calling, as I was getting a decent price (implied odds taken into acct), but after thinking it out, I think I still like the turn push.
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