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Old 12-04-2005, 02:43 PM
VanVeen VanVeen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 78
Default Re: 5/10 NL 6 Max....TPTK facing the old CMR

Uhm, shoving is pretty terrible vs. random opponent in isolation. Random players don't call with worse hands when you shove the flop (but they'll bet the turn), nor is their hand range predominately draws. And even if it were, almost no one checks the turn when their draw whiffs.

If you plan to continue, this is super easy call unless opponent is a donkey or everyone at the table thinks you're overaggro/semibluff all-in happy. Call flop, shove or fold turn. Calling turn almost always sucks.

Vs. this dude, if memory serves, I'd probably just shove it all-in. He doesn't like being pushed around and you're the type of player everyone is suspicious of.
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