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Old 12-04-2005, 02:31 AM
grandgnu grandgnu is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Pokah Is Nice, I Love Play Pokah (Chau Giang quote) Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 757
Default Re: What Was This Fellow 2+2er thinking??????

Hmmm.........I think he was just getting desperate. Plus, he didn't announce how much more it was, perhaps he was hoping I'd hear "all-in" and maybe fold before I calculated the pot odds for the call. Ah well, he tried to give me his chips, which would've put me in great shape to continue running over the table and win the whole thing.

Variance is such a *censored* I've been playing such awesome poker lately, and I still get bad beats laid on me (luckily because I'm playing better than my opponents).

Another home game two days previous and a terrible player min-raises UTG, folded to me in the BB with K/5 offsuit and I make the call. I check blind and the flop is 5/6/10 and he bets out 200 chips. I study him and I know he's full of crap and doesn't have a pair or draw, so I come over the top all-in for another 925 chips. He calls me with A/8 sooted (rainbow flop by the way) and the turn is a 7 and the river a 9 and he runner-runners his gutshot to bust me. Ugh. That's poker.

While my results haven't been so great lately, my reads and play have been pretty damn impressive. I've gotta try to keep the ego in check, lest I become another Helmuth.
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