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Old 12-03-2005, 07:48 PM
HatesLosing HatesLosing is offline
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Default Re: Strange line and it happens 3 times

The other guy played it like a moron in my opinion but made me freeze up and then 2 outted me.

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It's always likely that someone is a moron (heh), but he might not be as big a moron as you think and there may have at least been some reasoning behind what he was doing.

On the flop he may put you on a range of hands that include AK/AQ/AJ and AA - JJ as major possibilities (this isnt' the entire range, but he might be thinking that these hands together make up much more than 50% of your holdings). He thinks that if he bets and you have AK/AQ/AJ, you will just fold, but he thinks that you are aggressive enough heads up on the flop that you will bet at least 1/2 the pot or more when checked to. So maybe his "Plan A" was to check-raise and take your aggressive bet and be done with it.

Then when you called, his read may have been "oh crap... he has me beat almost all the time with that call", so he slows down and checks, hoping that you make a mistake with AA - JJ and let him see 5th for cheap with his big implied odds. It's important to note that he did NOT 2-out you on 5th, since he picked up a gutshot draw on the turn. 6 cards could have beat you, and if he puts you on an overpair that has him beat, you may just push him out if he bets into you, but maybe if he acts weak he can get to 5th if he beleives those implied odds are there.

Now you check behind him and while he's very happy to see the T, he goes "Huh? Maybe I misread him and didn't have big implied odds afterall? Maybe he was weak and did have the AK/AQ but refused to lay it down on the flop", so he makes a small bet.
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