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Old 12-03-2005, 07:35 PM
imported_luckyme imported_luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Wrong!

Original flawed statement- [ QUOTE ]
If there is an Intelligent Designer of the universe the universe will show signs of design.

[/ QUOTE ]
part of the reply to it - [ QUOTE ]
There could be no evidence of design yet still be an intelligent designer.

[/ QUOTE ]
Now, from the outer reaches -

Why does this post make any sense when there is design?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because you screwed up bigtime. Your claim isn't about design, it's about it being mandatory that a designer leave evidence. Is a Truly Intelligent Designer not capable of designing something that doesn't look contrived. The fact you believe there is evidence of design ( whether you are right or wrong) is not related to your claim.
You're confusing this absurd claim with your usual one about design-looking = designer did it. Totally different claims.

oh, I realize it's a localism but I've always used "next question" to mean, pleeeeze, make the questions tougher, not easier.

How does chance produce order?

[/ QUOTE ] I'm going to answer this on 3 levels but after not being able to follow the above I don't like our chances here.
1) it makes no sense to say "order produces order" so at least intitially, if order is 'produced' chance is the only source.
2) "How" is a conceptual trap. If it could be explained in an orderly way, than it wouldn't be chance. cheeesh.
3) Chance will always produce order, it has no choice. a)given enough time, every alignment is possible, including all the ordered ones. If some alignments were ruled out because they were orderly, then that rule is a form of order which means chance isn't operating.
b) given limited time, any random alignment, ordered or disordered may be the order of the day. If I shake a deck of cards in a bag, the 1st outpouring is just as likely to be suited in order as the 10,000,000th.

Now, if one of those chance alignments is one that has just the tiniest amount of 'stickiness' to it, then lookout.. mega order is about to emerge.

A Much better question is "how could chance not produce order".
hmmmm.... that one I don't have an answer for.
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