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Old 12-03-2005, 06:40 PM
ZeeJustin ZeeJustin is offline
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Default Re: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (x-post)

I just started reading the Singlurity is Near last night, and haven't even finished the first chapter yet, but I have read Kurzweils Age of Siritual Machines.

To me it's just pretty obvious. It seems like people disagreeing would be in the minorty. All these numbers are guesses off the top of my head, but even if they are way off, my point still stands:
100k BC: Wheel
40k BC: Fire
5k BC: Metal
400 BC: a couple of things that might count as real inventions by the chinese
2005 AD: sweet sassy molasses!

What's your argument against this?

I suppose you could argue that the science of the universe allows for some limitations that we have almost reached, but I think that theory would have been much more valid 100 years ago. If we can perfect only the sciences we are trying today w/ minor success, we should still be able to reach the singularity.
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