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Old 12-03-2005, 04:10 PM
TTChamp TTChamp is offline
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Default Re: I found $640: now what?



It's good you returned it. I have a friend who graduated college recently and he was driving in his car in Colorodo. On the side of the road he jsut sees large piles of money so he pulls over and starts picking it up. In total it was about $30,000 or so. He makes almost no money at his job, but he turned it in. Turns out that it was some poor schlub who took his life saving that he got from his parents and was moving somewhere on his own. He put the money in a bag on top of the car and it blew off. He actually had $40k but some other people pulled over and snatched some up too, so he didn't get it all back. Basically I'm just saying this because, although you don't make a ton of money, that sum could be alot to someone. If it were me, it would be most of my money and that would be a big blow to me. Glad you turned it in.


That sounds like the standard line I would give the cops if I was a drug dealer and some stupid runner lost a large amount of my cash.

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My roommate in college found a few thousand in a brown paper bag in the grass by the side walk. He turned it into the campus cops who said it was most likely drug money and they would give it to him if no claimed it after x days (I went to Pitt which is in a relatively bad area so the campus cops are real police). They ultimately determined the money was from some drug deal (not sure how) and it went to some state fund (you know, like the one where they put drug dealers cars). He ended up with nothing.
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