Thread: The Crusades
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Old 12-03-2005, 08:21 AM
Myrtle Myrtle is offline
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Default Re: The Crusades

you're just repeating the same nonsense you cite over and over and over again

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Now you're catching on, D.

What you're witnessing, in action here, is the difference between "rational argument" and "propaganda".

M and his crew are practitioners of the latter.


They aren't here to engage in a reasoned exchange of views. They aren't here to learn from mutual dialogue. They are here to "guide you to the truth" -- with "the truth" being whatever their Party Leaders tell them today.

They repeat the same talking points 10 times on the same thread because that's what they're here to do. They dismiss all disagreement with rhetorical games and personal attacks because that's what they're here to do.

Rational discourse presumes a level of good faith that these people are not practicing.

They are not here to listen to opposing views and weigh arguments. They are here to repeat their talking points forever until you "finally see the light". (Don't agree with them yet? Well, you must not've listened properly. Here, let's repeat the Party Talking Points again ...)

Second point: it really doesn't matter what's being "debated", because a propagandist doesn't engage in actual "debate". A propagandist is purely and shamelessly a salesman, and that's ALL they're there to do: sell you on their product. Their talking points might as well be slogans from a marketing brochure -- that's the depth of "reason" that they represent.

In short, the propagandist is there to sell a product, not to debate the product on the merits.

Expecting rational discourse from such a person is like expecting a used car salesman to rationally debate the merits of the lemon he's trying to sell you. Ain't gonna happen. All you're going to get is the same tired old sales pitch, repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated for as long as the salesman can keep you listening.


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POTY as far as I'm concerned.

You're describing the essense of the political 'evangelist' whose core values are saturated with a 'Do as I say, not as I do' ideology which is blatantly hypocrital for those who care to examine it.

It is fraught with psuedo-intellectual logical fallicies intended to hammer their ideological opponents into submission, and when someone dare retaliate with the same tactics, they run home whining 'foul' to their mommies.

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