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Old 12-02-2005, 06:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Why Current Online Win Rates Won\'t Persist

So if I undertsand your logic, you're basically saying you only want to play against people in your own wealth bracket, and you don't think poor people should be allowed to play with rich people?

Or is it OK with you if poor Americans play against you, just not poor foreigners?

Do you think this stance is morally defensible, or do you just hope that regulations will be structured to maintain a pool of players that you think you can make money off of (for pragmatic rather than moral reasons)?

I hope this doesn't sound like an attack, I'm just curious about where you're coming from with this. I, for one, enjoy the fact that I can play with people from around the world; its one of the things I love about the internet. But I'm not playing poker professionally.

Also, I don't think its accurate to think that poker players in poor countries will stick to lower limits. I think that, like many people who play now, they will try to play at the levels that are most profitable for them. So, when someone from a poor country gets good enough to dominate at one limit level, I think they will move up. If someone understands poker well enough to win big consistantly at one level, I think they'll understand that its profitable to move up in limits at some point.
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