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Old 12-02-2005, 05:25 PM
varoadstter varoadstter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
Default Re: Home Poker with Weaker Players

If you're winning, what's the problem? Play your game. Sounds like you've got a basic read on the others. It's not realistic to assume you will win all the time or even a majority of the time. Sometimes the cards won't allow it. Only advice I can think of is to try to avoid the all-ins without the nuts. If you still have chips after the bad beats or misreads, you are still in the game. If you play the coin-flips and 60/40 situations everytime, you're going to lose a fair percentage of those. I'm not saying to play weak-tight, just realize that if you are as much better than the others as you believe, you can afford to let those situations go and look for even better spots.

Good luck to you, too.
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