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Old 12-02-2005, 03:05 PM
Spicymoose Spicymoose is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: 30/60 SH river bluff

Sorry you wasted some time doing that work because all aces certainly do not split on a 6679K board. Thanks for the math on the flop/turn, I am guilty of peeling flops too much I'm sure, but I justify it by saying "they will check behind on the turn alot so I will get to see two cards" but this spot was maybe pushing it too far.


[/ QUOTE ]

Doh. I am an idiot. For some reason I had in my mind that we paired our ace, and the king counterfeited all kickers... I know it doesn't make much sense, cuz then we wouldn't be bluffing...

Quick math:

27 combos of AQ, AJ, ATs. Sometimes they check the turn, so call it 20.

I think there were around 50 combos of hands that are definetly not folding.

We need this to work 1 in 7. If the aces fold 50% of the time, then we get this to work 1 in 6, and we should bet the river. If they fold even a bit less, not a good bluff.
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