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Old 12-02-2005, 02:34 PM
EverettKings EverettKings is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Williamsburg, VA
Posts: 86
Default Re: Jmans Always Draw

Flop can be played either way.

Turn - I don't like the nearly min-raise make it $400 or 500 for reasons buttons mentioned.

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yeah but doesn't a 3-bet scream flush? true villain might have one too, but wouldn't it be better to call then 2/3 value bet the river?

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NL is a game of stacking your opponent. Only chance to stack here is if opponent has smaller flush, and only way to stack that is to raise turn. If opponent does not have flush, hero's not getting much more anyway, so the way to play this is to maximize value if opponent happens to have the flush.

A similar situation would be an AAK42 board where hero has a boat. Betting small might get value from a king, but what hero really wants is to stack an ace, so constant raising and betting big is the way to go.

Jumpman, you played this hand fine.

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Id prefer a turn call.

If the guy has a smaller flush, why would he be minraising here? It seems more likely that he either A) has air and is looking to pick up the pot on the river, or B) has something made like KJ and is asking you to reraise him with a better hand so he can get away. I'd prefer to call the turn planning to push the river over a decent lead (or pot it if he checks).

I completely understand the need to stack people with big hands, but not only do you have a good chance to stack a smaller flush anyway by call/pushing (I mean he leads the river a huge chunk of the time, and almost always for enough for you to get all in and him to not get away), but also you let garbage hands make a ballsy pot-sized river lead or sneak some value from worse made hands. I just don't see much value to be lost here by calling.

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