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Old 12-02-2005, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: Why Murtha Matters

Let the swiftboating begin!

From Crazy Legs Coulter:

"And unlike Murtha, who refuses to release his medical records showing he was entitled to his two Purple Hearts, we know what North did. (These Democrat military veterans are hardly shrinking violets when it comes to citing their medals, but they get awfully squeamish when pressed for details.)"

Risking one's life for freedom is not good enough for Crazy Legs if you don't agree with her.

"The only Republican congressman who did not offer to have sex with John Murtha on the House floor was Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio. While debating Murtha's own proposal to withdraw American troops from Iraq in the middle of a war waged to depose a monstrous dictator who posed a threat to American national security, Schmidt made the indisputably true remark that Marines don't cut and run. (She was right! Murtha voted against his own proposal.)"

That was not his bill they were voting on, it was a republican bill designed to fail in the first place.
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