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Old 12-02-2005, 07:21 AM
Prodigy Prodigy is offline
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Default Re: 20/40 vs 10/20 in AC (and a message to Jeffage)

okay, as I've played these two games almost fulltime since 2001-Jan.2005, I will briefly share the information that I have gathered regarding these two games.

10-20 Taj.
This game is fairly passive around the clock. People generally play straight up. You will RARELY see a river bluff or someone getting out of line w/o having one pair beat on the turn. The difference between this game from the limits below is that people will use the "old" free card move by raising the flop and checking the turn. They think this play is VERY advance. You will rarely see someone raising the turn w/ TPTK or a double draw. A raise on the flop usually means top pair or a draw. You will get more information on the turn by their action. 3bet out of the blind usually means AA, KK. In the most part, almost ABC poker.

20-40 Taj.
In this game, position becomes VERY important. You also have to know which players are able to pull off sophisticated postflop moves. From what I've seen, there is alot of "Nasty" poker. By Nasty, I'm talking about people betting into someone because they know it will be raised, to knock out the best hand. There are far more advanced plays in 20-40, I don't know if people notice this or not. Because of people like the rich Europeans, the regular Greeks, and super LAG Sang, the table is usually on tilt and draws are played very aggressively in multiway pots. Table selection in the 20-40 game is VERY important. Watch out for games filled w/ LAG asians and Greeks. Be prepared to call down w/ marginal hands, that MAY be the best hand. AND NEVER show your good folds. People in the 20-40 will see this as a weak player and the LAGs will continually try to run you over. People in 20-40 love suited cards and ANY pocket pairs. I'm sure 10-20 players do too, but they will be played much more aggressively in the 20-40 game.

The biggest difference between the two games is in the 20-40 game, draws are played very aggressively and you will see more advanced plays such as...
-smooth calling w/ the nuts to induce an overcall on the river in a multiway pot.

-Raising the Turn w/ position in order to buy a free showdown w/ fold equity on the turn.

In 20-40 Top Pair (overpair) still may be good even if you are facing a raise on the turn. In 10-20, you are almost NEVER good with just one pair, when facing a turn raise. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

To JEFFAGE: the 75 game is good because of players like Larry, the jamacian guy, and confused players like Mario, who give themselves too much credit. (or in Larry's case, you really don't care about the money and just LOVE the action.)

Were you around in August when that Korean business owner (import and export business in VA/DC who wore that fished out VISOR, basically letting everyone know he's a tourist whale) ran over the game for weeks? He had a very cute/petite and polite wife who was always sitting behind him. He beat the 75 game along with a few sessions at 200-400 for almost 40K. (Aboout 12K was probably from me in the 75-150 stud game)

These factors are why I have to agree that this game is one of the best in the country...or it can be torture when you can never make a 2nd pair and you lose to 9's and 7's, 6's up ALL DAY LONG. You look at your Split aces w/ 4 diamonds and a gutshot straight draw, and muck on the river because someone w/ no pair, no draw made Jacks' on 5th and caught a dead 4 on the river to make Jack's and 4's.
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