Thread: foreign films
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Old 12-02-2005, 02:40 AM
wildzer0 wildzer0 is offline
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Default Re: foreign films

A few movies that are sort of considered arty and culture like but are still entertaining:
I Stand Alone (Germany) It follows a depressed, angry out of work butcher while we hear his inner monologue as he plots suicide and murder. Great movie.

Tetsuo the Iron Man (Japan) Classic super artistic film from the early 80s with an insane soundtrack that influenced people like Darren Aranofsky among others.

Man Bites Dog (France) - A documentary crew follows serial killer through his day and ends up involved in the crimes.

Salo: 120 Days of Sodom (Italy) Really interesting, extreme and political allegory that uses a Marquis De Sade story to illustrate the fascism going on in Italy when the film was made.
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