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Old 12-02-2005, 01:59 AM
PokerAmateur4 PokerAmateur4 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 38
Default Re: The Value of Human Life (a poll for BigSooner)


I suppose you'd make the decision to allow your child to die a horrible death? Or are you one of those sob artists who just likes to wax poetically about morality?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sat shoots, he scores!

"If this is an accurate representation of people's feelings, then it certainly illustrates the moral decline that seems to be accelerating of late. I've always said that man's biggest deficiency is selfishness and this certainly reflects that. "

BSF are you for real? How have you been monitoring and analyzing the accelearation rate of society's morality over time? What criterion do you set for something being moral? It is moral when you say it is?

As for why I am sure you are a hypocrite, how much of your money goes towards starving children? I'm guessing but I don't think it would cost more than $300 to save 10 african children's lives for a year.
What was the last thing which you purchased? How much did that cost, in dollars or in the length of time it could of sustained an impoverished child. Finally why was that purchase a more moral use of your resources then someone's life?
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