Thread: The Crusades
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Old 12-01-2005, 08:15 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: The Crusades

I take your refusal to address my proof of your racism as tacit agreement with my position.

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Chris, we've argued about this before, and I categorically denied (and still deny) deny any form of racist ideology on my part. Moreover, YOU KNOW THAT I DO, and you know that such relentless accusations on your part, which I grew weary of endlessly rebutting, are the very reason I had you on ignore for so long. Therefore, you are herewith being UTTERLY disingenuous when you claim that you take my silence as tacit approval. You absolutely know better, and it is dishonesty like this that makes me seriously question your motives.

You know little of Islamic ideology, or of what the Koran says, or what Mohammed did and said, if you think ancient areas under Islam--including Spain--were not under a form of religio-fascistic control, a type of totalitarianism, as it were. Hey, and guess what? Today, most areas under Islam *still* are under a form of totalitarian control--a religio-political form--as you easily can see, looking at various Islamic countries around the world.

Guess what, Chris? It isn't "bigoted" to speak the TRUTH. And the truth is that Islam has always been an absolutist ideology. As Ibn Warraq says, there may be moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate.

I think you ought perhaps to read some Orianna Fallaci or Robert Spencer--unless perhaps the only freedoms you care about are Leftist causes. If you value human freedom, and religious freedom; and despise authoritarian control and totalitarianism, you will come to the conclusion that Islam simply is not conducive to freedom.
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