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Old 12-01-2005, 05:26 PM
habsfanca11 habsfanca11 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 40
Default Re: 1 year/almost pooh-bah post(very long, probably boring)

Newhiz, appreciate you putting your "story" out there. I'm solidly in the camp advocating get an (formal) education, but I can understand the arguement that if you're not dedicated, it's a waste of time and then you factor in the opportunity cost of the current earn you could be making ... So, let me throw out an alternative suggestion - be deligent about putting a regular, fixed amount away every month into an education savings account. Establish a goal and a schedule to build enough savings that will always be there to get a university education for when you are ready. In a year or two, or 3, or 5 you'll have an incredible opportunity to go back to school, in something you're interested in and excited about, and have it paid for and not have to worry alot about money. Leverage what you want to do today (and think is best) to keep doors open for you in the future. 2 cents from me, but an education is damn important in so many ways. Best of luck!
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