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Old 12-01-2005, 05:25 PM
AceofSpades AceofSpades is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
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Default Re: LC: One year ago (Stolen from STT Forum)

1 Year ago:

Started playing poker for money, using $10 at royal vegas.
played some sit and go's, vastly overforcasting my win rate every time I won a sng.

played every suited hand in ring games (cause you knew you were going to win if you have the flush)

sometimes just limped every hand...

Read a book on 7 card on started playing pot limit stud.


Have made around 7 FT. Realized how much tilt costs me as a player. Learned a little more emotional control after tilting. Not taking shots at higher limits after tilting anymore. Lifetime loser at ring game holdem, however because of tournaments and 7 card stud still have made a net profit. Stopped playing ring games after the donaters left the stud game, didn't realize the variance possible in tournaments, went on a losing streak, and didn't have the bankroll at all. So I'm currently rebuilding w/ $2/4 stud and party $25.

Still trying to stop calling in tournaments when I know I should fold. I realized that I have to watch my play carefully for microtilt after playing for a while, currently trying to work on this.

- Joseph
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