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Old 12-01-2005, 04:23 PM
kidcolin kidcolin is offline
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Default Re: Why can\'t I fold...i know exactly what he has...!

I think you're missing my point. You get a better feel for and understanding of a guy by observing his actual play than by looking at his stats.

In one sense, you're right. It could be the same thing.. I've sat with him for 4 orbits, he hasn't raised preflop or played many hands, I haven't seen junk at any of his showdowns, so it looks like those 50 hands are along the right lines.

It might be different, though. I've seen some bizarre hands limped in with, a legit raise, an odd A4o raise after two limpers, or T9s from the BB, and now I'm going to go on what I've seen, even if his stats are 25/2. Even if that's not his normal schtick, that's how he's playing right now, and I'm going to make decisions based on that.

I was never trying to argue that folding is incorrect. I'm just trying to challenge the "25/2 over 50 hands, easy fold" arguments. Paying attention and getting actual reads is far more important. It's especially important for players in this forum to understand that. The guys in the MHSH (or whatever it is) already know that.. they wouldn't have gotten past 5/10 if they routinely based the majority of their decisions on stats alone.
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