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Old 12-01-2005, 03:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: $1000 Party PL hand

Well, I know u might be OOP, but the pot-size will be so large that you should be able to isolate or atleast down to 2. I think that not raising this PF is too weak for this strong of a hand. This is almost the nut-starting hand so I dont see u not re-raising here. I think that this makes the flop so much easier and the rest of the hand falls into place. There arent many flops that u wouldnt be able to push all in with when ur isolating and either be @ an advantage or be able to take it down there. People behind MP still cant call that big of a bet even if MP calls because if ur holding AA2, then the chances of them having A2xx or something like that is quite low and even with just A2xx, they cant call that huge of a bet PF.
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