Thread: Caro Article
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Old 12-01-2005, 12:54 PM
PokerHorse PokerHorse is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Default Re: Caro Article/ ok micro quick rehash

micro, i probably shouldnt re-hash here but ill clarify. During that thread i was told that I didnt understand probabilities because i said that playing 100,000 hands in 1 or 2 months wasnt relevant. Then i read post after post about how i didnt understand the probabilities etc. when what i was talking about was not the amount of hands but how long a person could actually do it without tilting. thats why i said that the guy who posted his 3-6 results werent releavant.Its not the math its the ability to actually doit day in and day out for a long period. as more info is coming out we're finding out it is actually difficult to do for a period of years.THERE ARE VERY FEW OF YOU WHO ARE SUCCESSFUL MULTITABLING PERIOD. But of course, it doesnt mean that it cant be done.
I read a post about some kid playing 12 tables of no limit in order to play ed miller's short stack strategy. How long will he last?
as far as bayesian processes , our brains, it turns out actually naturally problem solve this way. To train fighter pilots they are shown patterns(formations etc) over and over and gradually the pilots learn to react automatically when they see a particular set-ups.Also adding stress helps to speed the learning curve.They are using these findings in trading and other areas as well. So, what im saying again is that we problem solve using these processes naturally, so beyong the basic math of the game ,we are still using math to make decisions. its simply how we are wired.
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