Thread: 40-80 QJo bb
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Old 12-01-2005, 12:20 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: 40-80 QJo bb

OK, so they stare at the flop. To me, that means no ace, but possibly second pair and/or some kind of draw (K-T? Q-8).

Now when the sb bets out on the turn, I'd assume the 8 helped him in some way: maybe a hand that beats yours (Q-T? J-8?), maybe not (J-T? K-T?). So I'd just call too, confident I have the 3rd guy beat.

The river is the blank of blanks. I'd prefer to bet here once sb checks, reasoning the 3rd guy would be thinking he'd have to get by 2 players if he were to bluff, and that since he hasn't shown any aggression whatsoever this hand, he's less likely to bet the river for what he sees as value. They like to call on the river more than they like to bet since not betting still gives them a chance to win the pot whereas not calling doesn't.
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