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Old 12-01-2005, 10:28 AM
MuckerFish MuckerFish is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 52
Default OOT - Christmas Bonus ?\'s

I usually give my salaried employees an extra weeks pay as a holiday bonus. This year one of the full time employees left a few months ago, and the others have done a real good job of picking up the slack while I've been looking for a replacement. I'm thinking about tossing everyone else "a little something for the effort". Since I can't grant them eternal consciousness on their death-bed, I'm thinking about giving everyone a 2 week bonus this year. Good idea? I'm worried that if I do it this year, everyone will expect it from now on. Maybe just explain them why there is a bump this year? Maybe a bonus and a nicer gift this year? (each year I give them a bonus, small gift, and throw a real nice holiday bash). But then again, everyone loves cash. What do you guys think?
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