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Old 12-01-2005, 06:31 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: Funny Political Joke...

Hold on a second, here's one I remember:

George Bush goes to meet the Queen of England and decides, after numerous screw-ups by members of his administration, to ask her advice on how to pick a decent politician for a job.

"Well firstly", says the Queen, "you want to make sure they aren't an idiot, so ask them a simple riddle. I'll show you". She beckons over Tony Blair. "Tony, she says. "Brothers and sisters have I none, but all the same I'm my father's son. Who am I?"

"Easy" says Tony, "I'm me."

Bush decides to test this out on the most pressing case and calls over Donald Rumsfeld. "Donald, Brothers and sisters have I none, but all the same I'm my father's son. Who am I?" Donald thinks for a it, and asks to be excused. He runs outside where he finds Colin Powell, and asks him the riddle.

"Easy" says Powell, "I'm me." Rumsfeld runs back in and says

"I've thought about it sir, and I'm Colin Powell."

"No, you idiot" shouts Bush. "You're Tony Blair!"
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