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Old 12-01-2005, 03:07 AM
GrunchCan GrunchCan is offline
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Default Re: This is why I\'m still at NL50...

Good post. Definitely some stuff to think about.

Well, I guess my post title is misleading. I'm not at NL50 becasue my roll isn't progressing. My roll is actually building pretty fast now. Ever since just before my Vegas trip a couple months ago, I felt like I was starting to really get NL.

Things are falling in to place, but I have frequent hands, like this one, where I was just a little lost as to what my strategy should be. I have to think my way through the hand and try to figure out the things I should be thinking of. Usually these spots come when I'm in a bad relative position.

1) Giving implied odds to "bad players"

That's interesting. Probably something I'm guilty of. I'll have to look for some posts about this.

2) Not value betting relentlessly against bad players-using the what hand that I beat can call my river bet argument.

I am guilty of not being optimal on the river, but I'm getting better becasue it's something I'm focused on.

3) Playing their cards instead of position.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm 'good' when it comes to this, but I am acutely aware of my position all the time.

4) trying to nut peddle 40 millin tables instead of crushing 2 or 3.

That's definitely not me. I 1-table, sometimes 2-table. I know my game deteriorates at 3 tables, and I've never had a desire to get better at it. So I never 3-table.
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