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Old 11-30-2005, 10:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: LO8 Tuition costs

Call it tuition, or call it apprenticeship, whatever. Starting hand requiements are *over rated* in O8B by many players. We're not playing hold'em anymore, and most players started their poker careers playing hold'em, and at some point they realized that the first two cards were of paramount importance. Maybe I've just played so many hands of O8B that I know when I can raise with my 56 low, but I chalk up success in this game to decision making ability on the turn.

Looking at the session I have open for today, I've played just over 400 hands and my flops seem is at 37%. The amount of bets I won is insignificant in the argurment, so i'll leave that out.

IMO, playing too tight PF is deadly in O8B. IMO, playing loose PF gives you tremendous implied odds when you make a hand. This game is about recognizing what hands are out against you, and playing accordingly.

Sometimes limit O8B will seem like a lesson in futility, though.

I really reccomend that you play PLO8B.

I can't go over all the mistakes I see players make in O8B, the list is too long.

Here's my feeling regarding O8B vs. Hold'em: There are a ton of incredible hold'em players out there. There are very few incredible O8B players. Hence, developing an edge in this game is very beneficial and not too hard to do.

I reccomend that you learn how to play 7 card stud, all hi and hi/lo as something like a crosstrainer to make you a better O8B player.

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