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Old 11-30-2005, 09:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Strategie for low Sit\'n\'go (5+1$, 10+1$)

please correct me if im wrong here (always up for constructive crtisism) but a lot of the stuff on here applies to a highedr level of sng buy ins. 33's 55's 109's etc etc.. i play nothing but 5.50 sng's on ub mainly becuase i dont have alot of money to waste and want to build my bankroll steadly before going higher. but it seems like a lot of the stuff on this forum is hard to relate to the lower levels mainly becuase people are so damn unpredictable. these lower levels are almost like a minefield to quote smellkid. that the push stratigy seems slightly ineffective due to you really never know what the hell someones goingto call with and a lot of people really dont care about going out due to the fact that they think ohwell its only $5. so i dunno some threads directly related to the lower limits would be nice. ive tried posting some but they tend to just go to the back of the forum quickly.
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