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Old 11-30-2005, 03:35 PM
PokerGoblin PokerGoblin is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 115
Default My first real meaningful thought on the subject...

where did this whole rating 1-10 thing come about in the first place? Undoubtedly some popular immature movie of some sorts, I am curious though about how it became so mainstream.

I find the whole idea idiotic. To speak of a person, then follow that up immediately with a # is rediculous. And men wonder why they can't get laid.

As I understand it, a 10 is perfect? How can there be a perfect woman? My g/f actually asked me to rate her. I told her she was an 8.5. She knew I wouldn't lie but she said she was surprised I didn't rate her higher, cause she is by far the hottest chick I have ever banged.

I basically reasoned that there are no 10's. No one is perfect. If I say you're a 9.5, you'll take it as if I am saying you're a 10. If I say you're a 9, you will think there is something you are lacking and you will be mad at me. So I picked 8.5. Leaves room for improvement yet doesn't kill her self esteem.

Men are pigs.
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