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Old 11-30-2005, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: How much $ per day for you to turn pro?

I love all the people who refer to $50k/year as a "decent" paying job and $100k/year as a "good" paying job.

$50k/year is more than most Americans have ever made, and $100k/year is far more than they ever will.

I'm not advocating quitting a good job to grind out $10/hour bonus whoring, but keep in mind that in most of the country $50k/year jobs are very difficult to find.

Often it's a choice betweek poker and $10/hour or less doing some tedious crap job you hate.

One big advantage of poker, of course, is that you can make just as much living someplace with a low cost of living as in a big city. Some of you probably pay more in utility bills than I pay in rent.
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