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Old 11-30-2005, 01:00 PM
rwanger rwanger is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 49
Default Re: Poker bankroll + Life bankroll

I find that I tilt MUCH less when I'm NOT looking at the balance of my poker account. You are a winning player, you need to keep playing your winning game. Don't worry about "only" having $2000 in savings, because if you REALLY need it, you have your poker bankroll as well.

What you do need to worry about is PLAYING YOUR BEST. You can't do that if you feel like this is money you can't lose. I've stopped checking my poker balance ENTIRELY until after I'm done with a session, and it makes a BIG difference. I play 2-4 tables, and sometimes it will look like I was up $1000 in a night, but when I check my balance, I'm up $600 because I didn't realize that I had a ton of short rebuys early in the session. If I had been watching my balance each time I had to reload, I would have been unhappy about the $400 I had "lost", and surely not have played as well for the remainder of the session.

You are overbankrolled for your limit, that's good. You have the luxury of not needing to watch your balance everytime it changes. Be thankful for that, it will allow you to play better...if you have the right mindset.
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